📷 Macro photography workshop about little animals
📷 Macro photography workshop about little animals

What is:
macrophotography workshop
Where: When:
August 06, 2022
Adressed to:
passionate about photography and nature
50 euro
Macro photography workshop about butterfly and other little animals of the Alps

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Tel: +39 320 8640504 | Whatsapp: +39 320 8640504 | info@fabioghisu.com
Facebook: Fabio Ghisu • fotografo e guida ambientale

Some pictures:

📷 Macro photography workshop about little animals

📷 Macro photography workshop about little animals

More information:

Facebook: Fabio Ghisu • fotografo e guida ambientale

Fabio Ghisu
Via G. Caproni, 29 | 38121 Trento, Italia
P.IVA: 02489780227
Tel: +39 320 8640504

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