📷 Gorongosa: Naturalistic tour in Mozambique

What is:
photographic trip
Where: When:
December 06, 2024 - December 15, 2024
Adressed to:
passionate about photography and nature
2450 euro
A trip for photography enthusiasts looking to explore the natural beauties of the Gorongosa National Park, in the heart of Mozambique. A place with a difficult and sad history, but which in recent years, thanks to beneficial campaigns for the reintroduction of animals that once disappeared and good policies for the preservation of the natural environment, is becoming once again the paradise on Earth that it used to be. A national park outside the route of international mass tourism, but in no way inferior to Africa's most renowned locations. We will spend several days within the park looking for animals to photograph, immersed in a unique and enchanting landscape.

Fabio Ghisu
Via G. Caproni, 29 | 38121 Trento, Italia
P.IVA: 02489780227
Tel: +39 320 8640504

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