📷 Photographing flowers: workshop of macro photography
📷 Photographing flowers: workshop of macro photography

What is:
macro photography workshop
Where: When:
July 07, 2024
Adressed to:
passionate about photography and nature
40 euros
Workshop of artistic macro photography about flowers inside the Alpine Botanical Garden of Viote (Trentino).
Photographing a flower is much more than observing it. Finding the right frame, the best moment, the optimal light and the background, its beauty and personality are just some of the elements that a photographer must consider to obtain a good photograph.

Registration fee: 40 euros

The Garden: https://goo.gl/VQF7tS

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More information:

Tel: +39 320 8640504 | Whatsapp: +39 320 8640504 | info@fabioghisu.com
Facebook: Fabio Ghisu • fotografo e guida ambientale

Some pictures:

📷 Photographing flowers: workshop of macro photography

📷 Photographing flowers: workshop of macro photography

📷 Photographing flowers: workshop of macro photography

📷 Photographing flowers: workshop of macro photography

📷 Photographing flowers: workshop of macro photography

📷 Photographing flowers: workshop of macro photography

More information:

Facebook: Fabio Ghisu • fotografo e guida ambientale

Fabio Ghisu
Via G. Caproni, 29 | 38121 Trento, Italia
P.IVA: 02489780227
Tel: +39 320 8640504

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